Struggling with Consistency? Do This!

If your biggest fitness challenge is consistency with workouts and food, this blog is for you!

When we break down where inconsistency originates, you might be surprised…

You may think your biggest barrier is time and preparation.

Or not being confident about your skill level in the gym and current body shape.

But inconsistency usually comes from having an all-or-nothing mindset; otherwise known as perfectionism.

An all-or-nothing mindset sounds like this:

  • If I can’t do this perfectly, I don’t want to do it at all

  • If I mess up, I want to quit or start over on Monday

And looks like:

  • Not eating enough

  • Always starting and stopping tracking foods

  • Going out of town and never getting back on track

  • Not sticking to anything long enough to see results

  • Making a mistake and then throwing your protocols out the window for the day (or next few days) by eating too much or the wrong things

  • You tell yourself you’ll start Monday with good nutrition and working out but there are always a million things to do and 28 Mondays later you still haven’t been consistent with anything

Sound familiar?

If yes, here’s how can we fix this:

The most important shift we want to make is to reframe our perfectionistic thinking.

Examples of thought shifts we can make may sound like:

  1. “My best is good enough

  2. “Showing up and doing something is better than doing nothing”

Why is shifting these thoughts important?

Because your perfectionism is paralyzing you.

Before I was consistent, I self-sabotaged OFTEN. 🙈

It was either:

  • Going balls to the walls with my workouts or doing nothing

  • Indulging and feeling guilty about it or getting frustrated and quitting

 I was a perfectionist and never thought I was doing enough or was doing "it" right.

When it came to working toward something for myself I was quick to get discouraged.

I didn't pace myself well and being patient was not my strong suit.

It wasn’t until I shifted my thoughts and started believing I was worthy of the goal that I stuck to anything long enough. 

The biggest thought shifts for me were to:

  • Stop convincing myself of the negative story I had replayed in my head

  • Finally believe that getting frustrated was a normal part of the process, not a reason to quit

  • Lean into the discomfort of leveling up to become the best version of myself

Before those major mindset shifts, I was making all the mistakes:

  • Not scheduling my workouts, meal prepping, or tracking my meals

  • Had no established routine

  • & didn’t have accountability

But once I decided to make the shifts that all changed.

Now, 8 years later - I’m a coach who helps hundreds of women all across the country do this too.

Since shifting my thoughts and believing I was worthy of winning, I was finally able to keep my promises to myself.

The small wins mattered more.

The tiny bouncebacks became easier. 

I started consciously eating for nutrients and enjoyment.

Was able to wear clothing without the need to cover up with larger, looser layers.

The best part? I’ve become so confident that I’m able to wear a bikini without worrying about back rolls or my tummy spilling out. 

When we ruminate on our perfectionistic thoughts, we end up creating limiting beliefs that drive self-sabotaging behavior.

Once I shift my thinking I started believing I was worthy of success, I started enjoying the process and made myself a priority.

My self-esteem was at an all-time high and it all began with my mind.

Once you learn to shift these and practice taking small steps in the right direction - inconsistency will be a problem of the past!

P.S. The process of being consistent can be hard AF, and many women give up -- but not YOU. Not anymore! To help you do this, I’d like to invite you to join my community on Instagram to get free weekly training and insights on how to stay focused and finally reach your goals!

You DESERVE it 👑

Con Amor —with Love,

Coach Massi