A beginners Guide to tackling a new lifestyle: with 20+ simple, healthy recipes with flavor

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 Ever wondered why most people don’t eat healthy, no matter how much we know we should?

It’s because it feels super complicated and when we do it, everything tastes like a disappointment. 

It feels impossible to figure out what to eat, what to cook, and what ingredients are reversing our efforts in the gym. You won’t ever wonder about what to swap to make your meal healthy again. There’s more to meal-prepping and healthy eating than bland chicken and vegetables day after day. 

You've had enough. 
I know it sucks to be freaking out every single time you eat, wondering if you made a good decision - or worse - being miserable because you’re eating something that you dread the moment you sit down in front of it.

You're bored from eating chicken and salmon and veggies or wheat pastas and smoothies. 

You’re frustrated because all the advice, training’s and workouts aren’t giving you the physical results you want or are working so hard for. It feels like your exercising has been in vain. 


Spoiler alert: the lack of delicious recipes is throwing your fitness journey all the way off.

It doesn’t matter how much you workout; if you’re not eating properly, that flat tummy and round booty aren’t going to show up.

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How would it feel to...

  • Get a flatter tummy without doing 10 million sit-ups, wearing waist-trainers, or going on desperate juice cleanses and fasts?

  • Have better nutrition that helps you feel as good as you will look?

  • Not have to start over anymore everytime your cheat meal turns into a cheat month, year or decade?

  • Finally lose the unwelcome weight that’s been clinging to your body for too long?

There are 2 things you need to succeed on your fitness journey to finally make a breakthrough:

Discipline + Consistency.

Luckily, I will make that easier for you.

I want to help you lose fat, gain muscle, and get healthy in every single way.

This Ultimate Guide To Eating Clean Cookbook and guide is geared towards beginners & is great for people exploring fitness and eating.


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Access 25 recipes that remix some of your favorites in a healthy way.

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“The cookbook gives a concise but thorough amount of information to introduce someone to clean eating. Also non intimidating. “

“Highly recommend! A lot of women desire to eat healthier, but are a bit lost on what foods to get/not to get. This E-book is super helpful! “

“I would certainly recommend this book. It's very informative. I think it's geared towards a beginner. Someone beginning to explore a healthier lifestyle.”

“Thorough, non intimidating (with information), easy to read through and understand, wonderful, colorful, helpful.”


Purchase the Get Fit Cookbook: The Ultimate Clean Eating Guide

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A Little More About Me

Masiel is an Afro-Latina who doesn’t play about her food, and keeps it real about health and fitness without the gimmicks. She hates all things waist trainers, supplements, and tummy teas. 
She is a Certified Personal Trainer and Licensed Zumba Instructor that helps women burn fat, get snatched, and build muscle in all the right places. Through her virtual programs and courses, she has coached over 45 women to lose fat and build the body they’ve always wanted.

This is a good fit for someone who has tried diets before and is tired of going in circles. They want recipes that taste good and are simple to make, because they have life to attend to.